
The Feral Court: Deluxe NSFW Special Edition Dark Omegaverse

Created by Myra Danvers

An exclusive omnibus: all four books in one! Myra Danvers' scintillating dark fantasy quartet ft NSFW character art & bonus chapters

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The map is finished!!!
9 months ago – Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 01:01:21 PM

So much has been going on!

Hellooo and sorry for my hiatus! The holidays were mental, I've got some [exciting] health stuff going on that I can't quite announce yet, but it's making me extremely sick. To top it off, I had a sick toddler over the last few days who only wanted to cuddle, and went straight into hysterics the instant she saw my laptop come out. So I've been positively bursting at the seams to tell you lovely people all the things that have been happening, but I've been halfway crippled by my life. As these things often go!


Just friggen look at it!? Are you seeing how stunning this thing is? I'm so utterly obsessed with this map, and I cannot stress how much of a raw talent Andrés Aguirre Jurado is. Working with him has been such a pleasure, and I cannot recommend his map making services enough. I might have him draw a map of my backyard, just for the hell of having something gorgeous and personalized. There are some hidden easter eggs in The Feal Court map, too, for those of you who are eagle-eyed. :P

If you would like to grab a signed Feral Court map, now is your chance!!

Just go to the preorder store, and look at the very top for the featured item! 

The books were approved by the printer!

It took WAY longer than I thought possible, but the books finally got approval from the printer. Before I started this campaign, I spoke with several printers about the possibility of printing NSFW art inside the book itself, and most of them were fine with it. The printer I ended up going with, maybe didn't understand my question when I initially asked it? Which was my fault and a pretty unnerving learning lesson for me. But we got the approval, and as soon as I'm finished putting the final touches on the books, we're off to the printer and the bulk of the work is out of my hands [until it comes time to start packing and shipping]! I'm almost there, but again, I'm really struggling right now. For a good reason, but if I can scrape myself off the porcelain tiles long enough to feed my precious chyld, I consider it a win. However, the bonus chapters are all finished, and as it turns out, they're NOT going to be 6k bonus words... they're well over 13k. Yeah, I went a little overboard, but shit, was it fun to write some of the most unhinged filth I've ever written.

What's next?

If you're on the payment plan tier, invoices for the final payment+ shipping go out on the 21st. After that, if you're outstanding, I'll be sending a couple of reminders before you're downgraded to the ebook of The Feral Court. But please, don't stress. We have oodles of time, and I'm not coming for your firstborn if you're late or need extra time. Just communicate with me, and I'll make a note for your special circumstances.

Anyone who purchased items through the Backerkit store has not yet been charged, and won't be charged until we're ready to lock orders. Which essentially means, not until about a few weeks before we're ready to ship. I'll give lots of warning before I lock the orders, and there will be time to make adjustments in whichever way you need to make them. (If I'm wrong about this, I'll make sure I update you if I can't fix it and get more time)

That said, you can still purchase more incredible swag through the Backerkit store if you'd like to get your greedy little murder mittens on a signed copy of any of The Feral Court art. 

Tootles Crazy Noodles


An update of epic proportions!!
10 months ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 01:22:32 PM

I'm panic writing this as my toddler gets out of bed and starts to move this way (gah, my work day is over). But the commissions from Bloodwrit are officially finished!!!


The males of The Feral Court worshipping their queen...

This is the menage image of Renegade and the Feral Court in their nest, an exclusive image depicting one of the bonus chapters in the extended Deluxe edition. It is not available to buy individually, but it IS part of the set of Signed Bloodwrit prints set of Four. However, I could be tempted to make an exception if there are enough interested people. Otherwise, go through the backerkit store, scroll down, and you'll see the other stunning images that are officially finished!

Preorder store link

Honestly, working with Bloodwrit has been such pure joy. He's an incredible talent, and I cannot recommend his services enough.

Sickle, Sinadim, and Giaus are also all finished and are you can get a preview on the preorder store now!

The map is ALMOST ready to reveal, the Doomed characters are named, and the prequel novella is nearly finished and ready to go. From there, Quamber Designs will be putting the finishing touches on the manuscript, and then it's off the the printer.

We're approaching the home stretch, and I could not be more excited to get this epic shipment of books.

Until then, my loves!

The swag is starting to arrive!
11 months ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 11:31:58 AM

Stickers are IN. But more exciting... the first commission from Bloodwrit is done, and babes... 

To say that I'm obsessed is an absurd understatement. I cannot wait to see these in person, because the full color image is seriously incredible. But the sketch?? I'm honestly having a hard time deciding which version I prefer. Here's a sneaky little peak... 

Renegade x Prince Sinadim

If you are as obsessed with that angst as I am, don't forget that you can still grab a signed copy of Renegade x Prince Sinadim in the backerkit store. They'll ship when the deluxe books are officially ready to go, but they're rare and you don't want to miss out!!

Click here to preorder your signed art print of Renegade and her cruel prince! 

For the status of the deluxe books, I'm still waiting on approval from my printer. But they should be ready to go soon! As soon as I'm finished putting the final touches on Sinadim: A Feral Court Prequel, ebooks will be moving out. But it's very likely physical books won't be shipping until early 2024.

I had to switch printers for the bookmarks, but we're having a sample printed now to see if the gold foiling is too delicate or not. And if that turns out okay, then we're going forward there!

Andrés told me to "STOP SKETCHING" when I was trying to tell him what I was thinking for the map, and has taken pity on me. He's now designing the entire thing with full creative licence over the design of the Silver City and Wilds, and I cannot wait to see what he comes up with. It was not a task I was equal to. hahaha

The pins are officially in the mail, as well as a bonus surprise for all physical tiers that I decided to throw in last second for no reason other than they're cute and I wanted them.

Other than that, I'm just continuing to chip away at everything behind the scenes. And you know... battling a cough I've had since October 8th, a toddler who's a certified hurricane, and looming chaos on the horizon. But I am SO psyched to place my order with the printer and start shipping these books out.

Until next time!! <3

Surveys are officially out!
almost 1 year ago – Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 10:17:06 AM

We're movin' forward at the pace of a very geriatric herd of land slugs.

And as these things usually go, I am currently cuddling a very sick toddler who has a barking cough and runny nose-faucet. I myself am coughing up my lungs and sound like I've been chewing on giggle smoke and coals for 45 years, AND to make it better... we've got a looming Man-Cold on the horrizon. So. That's what's new here. Good times. xD

But good news, the smoke tests helped me catch TWO pretty major errors on my part. Which is okay, because I've never done any of this before and there are bound to be mistakes here and there. While it appears that the mistakes are not, in fact, fixed, I've got a solution going forward and it's not the end of the world.

***These mistakes only pertain to those of you who've purchased the Zakuga Flash Sale, or The Hunt Payment plan add-ons. If this is you, please check your messages on Kickstarter for more information. This mistake will NOT affect your rewards.***

Otherwise, the rest of the surveys have gone out! It will take some time for Backerkit to process everything, so keep checking and thank you for your patience. I really appreciate it. 

As a reminder from the last update, if you don't see the survey email by the end of the day, please search your spam folder.

  •  Spam Folder: Survey emails can occasionally find their way to your spam folder. If you don't see anything come through from Backerkit check your spam folder, unless...
  •  Apple ID Email Addresses: If the email address tied to your Kickstarter account is a secure Apple ID address, the survey email may be blocked entirely. The email addresses look something like this:  "[email protected]".  If you're not seeing the email from Backerkit, check to see if your email looks like one of these. If it does, I recommend that you first change that email in Kickstarter so you avoid any future issues. Once you have done that send me a message here or send an email to [email protected] to let me know what your updated email address is.

What's next?

Here's what you can expect in the coming months as I work to fulfill this project:

  •  Get your surveys in! This is essential for me to be able to move forward with fulfillment. It's your chance to adjust your pledge, order extra swag, and lock in your mailing address. Check your spam folders! Check your alternate email addresses. Look and see what email address you used to sign up for Kickstarter, and look there. And if all else fails, PM Myra and we'll get you sorted. <3
  • Once the surveys are officially in, I'll be sending out all digital rewards NOT associated with The Feral Court (as in, my backlist books you've ordered through the campaign.)
  • Next, I'll be ordering the swag! Bookmarks, Stickers, Prints, Pins, and surprises. Keep your eyes peeled for pics and videos for those.
  • I'm working with the printer, and in the next few days they should be ready to ship a prototype of the Deluxe book, which will take time to get here, and won't be complete (it'll be missing bonus content and Sinadim) but it's going to be gorgeous. I haven't decided if I want to keep it for myself, or give it away as a unique print.
  • I get to work with two lucky backers to Name the Character Doomed to Die!!! I'm psyched about this, and they can expect an email/ message from me by the end of the month.
  • On the 25th, I start work on the map of the Silver City and Wilds, which in itself will be a large under taking and poor Andres is going to get my sloppy sketches and have to interpret them into something stunning. xD
  • End of October/ early November Bloodwrit and I will start working on the first of the 4 NSFW commissions and I'm incredibly excited about those. I cannot wait to see Bloodwrit's take on Renegade and her males.
  • From there, I'll send the final files off to the printer, pay off those massive looming bills, and the production begins! It will take the books 55-60 days to land at my house, as they are coming by ocean freight. (So cool. I'm basically professional n'shit).
  • Once the books are here and I am ready to start fulfillment, I'll post an update and send an email giving everyone a final 48 hours to update their addresses, if needed. When that window closes, you will not be able to update your address yourself, and will need to contact me directly to make those changes. So please make sure you add [email protected] to your contact list so I don't end up in spam! 
  • When the addresses are finally locked, packing and shipping shall commence! This is when you will be charged for shipping. I'm working with several shipping partners to get us the most competitive rates, but I may end up driving into the United States and shipping everything from there (I'm Canadian), just to keep costs down.

That's it for now! Stay tuned.

Tootles, Crazy Noodles... :P 

Smoke Tests Have Gone Out!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 06:36:18 PM

Things are happening!!!

I'm almost ready to send out surveys to collect your addresses (this will be your chance to add to or adjust your pledges), but before that happens, we need to complete a process called a smoke test. 5% of backers will receive a survey to make sure everything in Backerkit is working the way I meant it to work. This will take between 24-48 hours.

If there are no surprises, the rest of the surveys will go out Monday morning! (Hopefully)

Until then, a treasure hunt to find out if you're part of the 5%! (But are also good practices to be prepared for when I send out the rest of the surveys ;P)

Spam Folder: Survey emails can occasionally find their way to your spam folder. Once we announce that all surveys have gone out, if you don't see anything come through from Backerkit check your spam folder first.

Apple ID Email Addresses: If the email address tied to your Kickstarter account is a secure Apple ID address, the survey email may be blocked entirely. The email addresses look something like this:  "[email protected]". Again, once all surveys go out, if you're not seeing the email from Backerkit, check to see if your email looks like one of these. If it does, it is recommended that you first change that email in Kickstarter so you avoid any future issues. Once you have done that, send Myra a message here on Kickstarter, or send an email to [email protected] to let me know what your updated email address is.

Stay tuned! There's more coming soon.

<3 Myra